Rachel Webb Jekanowski, Giulia Champion, and Mikala Hope-Franklyn uncover how the Gothic—a genre steeped in themes of hauntings, monstrosity, and the uncanny—offers a critical lens for examining the racial and colonial injustices embedded in green energy narratives. At the 2024 International Gothic Association Conference, they introduced a storytelling RPG to investigate how these inequalities permeate policy and public discourse. How might the Gothic expose the systemic power dynamics shaping the push for a "just" energy transition?
Alevgül Sorman explains how researchers are using the concept of "social metabolism" to trace how societies process energy at different scales. This body of research shows that we can draw parallels between the benefits of balanced and healthy diets for bodies and societies alike, in which an intake of less does not necessarily mean we are worse off: it can be a pathway to better (social) health.
In A Social Ecology of Capital, the Canadian social theorist Éric Pineault proposes an original model of the fossil social metabolism that has sustained the growth of advanced capitalism in the last century. Showing how social relations shape the ecology of capital, Pineault highlights the deep contradictions that humanity now faces.
Philosopher Oxana Timofeeva explores human conceptions of the sun, from ancient mythologies and philosophical metaphors to modern techno-scientific designs to extract virtually unlimited amounts of energy. In this elegant essay, Timofeeva offers a mythological rejoinder to unbounded techno-scientific ambitions, noting that the endless pursuit of extraction, even when applied to solar energy, is likely to end up like an ecological Icarus.
Casey Williams provides a definition and overview of the Energy Humanities. It is a field of studies that attends to the ways energy resources, systems, and use patterns shape the material, social, and cultural conditions of modern life. Understanding what it means to live in a fossil-fueled world—at a moment when planetary warming compels a transition away from fossil energy—is its chief task. What new habits, values, desires, and forms of life and art might obtain in a world “after oil”?
Developed by the Transitions in Energy, Culture, and Society (TECS) project and the Petrocultures Research Group, energy humanities features commentary on current developments in energy and the environment, announcements and news items, and video interviews with influential and emerging voices on energy & society. This site gathers some of the most exciting and important insights humanities researchers provide about the social nature of our environmental crises.