Helios 2: Anne Pasek on Changing Methods in a Changing Climate

12 Min Read

July 13, 2021

Helios is an EH interview series about new research in the energy humanities and the creative processes that bring it to life.

Our second installment features Anne Pasek, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair in Media, Culture, and the Environment at Trent University in Peterborough, ON. Anne’s wide-ranging research interests include the cultural politics of climate change, environmental communication, and rethinking academic research norms in a warming world. In addition to multiple book projects, she is currently founding the Trent Low-Carbon Research Lab.

EH editor Caleb Wellum sat down with Anne over Zoom on June 10 to talk about the methodological concerns, approaches, and experiments that inform her work. During the hourlong interview, they discussed critical making, the materiality of digital tech, and the importance of critical empathy in divided times.

Click the download link below to read the full interview.

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